Get into cycling shape in just one week

You’re going on a cycling holiday in one week, and you’re not exactly in the best shape. We’re blaming too many hours sitting at a desk and opting for Uber Eats on a nightly basis…

While cycling holidays are packed with adventure and beautiful scenery, they can be borderline torturous if you are not at a decent fitness level.

It may seem challenging to improve your cycling fitness in just one week, but with proper training, nutrition, and a consistent routine, you can make significant progress.

Here's a comprehensive guide to help you get in cycling shape in seven days.

Training tips

  • Interval training

    Begin by incorporating some interval training into your routine to build endurance and improve cardiovascular fitness. Alternate between high-intensity efforts and periods of recovery. Start with shorter intervals, such as 30 seconds of intense pedalling followed by 1-2 minutes of recovery, and gradually increase the duration over the week.

  • Hill climbing

    You knew it was coming. Find a challenging hill in your area and include hill repeats in your training. Climbing hills will enhance your leg strength and cardiovascular capacity. Aim to complete three to five hill repeats per training session, with each climb at a consistent intensity.

  • Long rides

    Dedicate one or two days to longer rides to build endurance. Start with a distance that is challenging but manageable and gradually increase it throughout the week. Focus on maintaining a steady pace and enjoy the journey.

Nutrition tips

  • Whole foods

    Fuel your body with a balanced diet of predominantly whole foods consisting of plenty of fibre-rich complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Opt for whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean sources of protein such as beans, legumes and tofu if you are plant-based, or some chicken and fish. These foods will provide sustained energy for your rides. Think big green leafy salads with sweet potatoes, your protein of choice, half an avocado, some nuts or an extra virgin olive oil dressing.

  • Hydration

    Stay properly hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Carry a water bottle on your rides and take regular sips to prevent dehydration. We love stopping at cafes for a soft drink mid-ride.

  • Pre and post-ride nutrition

    Consume a small meal or snack containing easily digestible carbohydrates and some protein before your rides. After each ride, replenish your energy stores by consuming a snack or meal rich in carbohydrates and protein within 30 minutes.

Daily routine

Here's a sample daily routine to help structure your week:

Day 1: Interval training (30-second bursts, 4-6 repetitions), Stretching

Day 2: Hill climbing (3-5 repeats), core exercises

Day 3: Rest day, light stretching or yoga

Day 4: Long ride (increase distance compared to previous rides), recovery nutrition

Day 5: Interval training (45-second bursts, 6-8 repetitions), light strength training

Day 6: Hill climbing (4-6 repeats), stretching

Day 7: Rest day, mental preparation for your cycling holiday. Put your feet up!


Getting in cycling shape in one week requires focused training, proper nutrition, and a consistent routine. Remember to listen to your body and adjust the intensity and duration of your workouts accordingly. Although progress in just one week may be limited, these strategies will help you optimise your fitness and make the most of your cycling holiday. Enjoy the journey, take breaks when needed, and embrace the adventure ahead. Happy cycling!


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