How to master the art of hill climbing

“Suffering is at the heart of cycling”, former French racing cyclist Marc Madiot says in the new Netflix show, Tour de France: Unchained.

He couldn’t be more right.

If you want to master the art of climbing the biggest mountains and hills on your rides, then you will have to learn to embrace suffering, in one way or the other.

Climbing can be both challenging and rewarding, pushing your limits and offering breathtaking views from the top. If you get used to the temporary pain and discomfort, it can open up a world of new adventures and accomplishments.

Here, we delve into some tips and techniques to help you conquer those climbs with confidence and strength.

Train smart

To tackle climbs effectively, it's crucial to build strength and endurance. Incorporate hill repeats and interval training into your cycling routine. Focus on strengthening your legs, core, and cardiovascular system. Cross-training activities like hiking, yoga, or strength training can also improve your overall fitness and help you become a stronger climber.

Pacing and cadence

When faced with a climb, finding the right pacing and cadence is key. Start at a comfortable pace and find a cadence that allows you to maintain a consistent rhythm. Aim for a cadence between 70-90 revolutions per minute (RPM) to avoid burning out too quickly. Gradually increase your effort as you near the top or on steeper sections of the climb.

Maintain proper body position

Proper body position on climbs can significantly improve your efficiency and reduce fatigue. Sit toward the front of the saddle, keeping your upper body relaxed and hands light on the handlebars. Engage your core to stabilise your body, allowing for efficient power transfer from your legs to the pedals. Distribute your weight evenly between your hands and saddle to maintain traction and control.

Mental strength and focus

Cycling, especially when it comes to climbing, is more often a psychological battle. While climbing can be physically demanding, mental strength plays an equally important role. Stay focused and maintain a positive mindset. Break the climb into smaller sections or landmarks, setting mini-goals along the way. Visualise yourself reaching the top and draw motivation from the sense of accomplishment that awaits you.

Pro tip: If the mountain or hill you are climbing looks particularly daunting, then look down at the road and avoid looking up! You will reach the top before you know it. And never listen to the evil voice telling you that you can’t do it…

Choose the right gearing

Selecting the appropriate gear ratios is essential for efficient climbing. Plan ahead and shift into an easier gear before the climb gets too steep. This allows you to maintain a steady cadence without straining your muscles excessively. Experiment with different gear combinations to find what works best for your riding style and the terrain you're tackling.

Climbing technique

Mastering climbing techniques can make a significant difference in your performance. Stay seated for as long as possible to conserve energy, only standing when necessary to generate extra power. Use your body weight to your advantage by rocking the bike slightly from side to side while climbing out of the saddle. This can help you maintain momentum and distribute effort more evenly.

Breathing and relaxation

Proper breathing techniques can enhance your climbing abilities. Focus on deep, rhythmic breathing to deliver oxygen to your muscles efficiently. Relax your upper body and facial muscles to reduce tension and conserve energy.


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